Calculate your YES Youth target using the online calculator. Skip this step if you are not doing YES for B-BBEE purposes.
Identify the YES registration fee that your company will pay annually.
Select the package that your company will be using to implement the YES programme. The cost includes the YES monitoring and evaluation fee that your company will pay annually.
Use the calculator below
It is the responsibility of the corporate to ensure that the figures used in this calculator are accurate and that the corporate adheres to the YES target criteria as prescribed in point 3 of the government gazette. Ensure the preceding years figures are used to calculate the YES youth targets. Please ensure that your company is familiar with the Registration Qualifications of YES as per the Government Gazette 28/08/2018 (NO.41866) and the Practice Note 12/10/2018(41975). These targets will be assessed at the time of verification and figures will be reflected on your YES registration certificate for compliance.
Note that the YES calculator uses the general dtic sector codes and is not tailored per sector. To confirm whether your organisation is classified as an EME, QSE or GE, please consult your B-BBEE agency and / or sector codes. If you need further assistance, please contact
Based on your information supplied, ACME (Pty) Ltd will need to create 1000 employment opportunties.
Below are the B-BBEE benefits your company can gain by committing to the above target.
Create Job(s) , Absorb and Move up
Create Jobs, Absorb and Move up
Create Jobs, Absorb and Move up
Identify the YES registration fee that your company will pay annually.
Provide a 12-month work experience within your company
Sponsor the placement of YES Youth in third-party enterprises