SAYouth is a free and zero-rated national platform that connects talented and engaged work seekers to various opportunities including – YES, Full-time jobs, Part-time jobs, learnerships, volunteering and learning opportunities.
SA Youth is supported by the Presidency, YES, National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) and Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator as part of the Presidential Youth Employment Intervention.
We understand that youth employment is important for our country’s economic future. That is why our focus is on finding ways to solve unemployment in innovative ways that connects business, government and youth.
YES is fully focused on collaborating with business to create quality work experiences for youth. Recruitment of youth is handled by YES-affiliated implementation partners and employers.
LinkedIn has become an essential personal branding tool. It has never been more important to build and maintain a good LinkedIn profile as the first step in making yourself more marketable for businesses. Create a profile here
1. What will happen to my data from previous engagement and app?
All data and previous engagement have been migrated to the new platform. Surveys completed in the previous app will be available on the new supervisor platform. If a supervisor were in the middle of completing a survey in the old platform, their survey questions would remain in the older survey version. All new surveys undertaken in the new platform have been reduced and made shorter.
2. My youth allocation and surveys aren’t available; how can this be resolved?
We understand that during the migration to the new platform, there might be misalignment between youth allocated to the supervisor and surveys not readily available, if youth assigned is incorrect or surveys are not available. Please contact your YES programme manager or person responsible for overseeing the YES programme and ask whether your details have been correctly captured on the youth uploader. Furthermore, please email a copy of the youth uploader, company information and your contact details to We will urgently resolve this with our developers on the backend.
3. I have never engaged or done a survey; can I continue?
Yes, even if it is your first time logging into the platform or you are engaging for the first time. All surveys for youth are retroactively available.
4. I’m a new supervisor, and a previous supervisor completed or was engaging on the surveys – does this effect the youth surveys?
All youth surveys use a unique identifier to keep track of surveys completed. If a previous supervisor had engaged, you can continue where they left off. As long as the information of the new supervisor is updated on the youth uploader, the allocation will be correct, and surveys completed, and outstanding are matched to the youth.
6. I’m using Huawei and have a different operating system. Will the supervisor app be available on Huawei?
We are trying to understand the number of supervisors that require access to the app on Huawei. YES is investigating the use case for the platform and necessary information needed to make the app available on Huawei operating system. Please send a request to if you are a Huawei user.
7. Is there onboarding for supervisors?
All new programmes will be onboarded to the new supervisor platform.